2024 Quarter 1 Financials

LIFTing the Faith of the Next Generation
We are more than halfway through our commitment to LIFTing 10,000 people by the close of 2024 and we see the evidence of how God has been moving in and through us all around. What is equally remarkable is that we know that our good and gracious God is transforming lives in ways that we cannot see or imagine.
Our hearts are overflowing with gratitude for those who have invested their time and talents, as well as their financial gifts. And it is with holy anticipation that we look toward the fall, and the many opportunities to LIFT others. Within our church and community, we can help children and students grow a vibrant and vital faith–one that knows deeply a grace greater than the gravity of life.
Here are just a few ways you can help:
Become a buddy
One of the goals of LIFT is to build a Disability Ministry so everyone feels welcomed, known and loved as they cultivate a relationship with Jesus. We need volunteers to buddy up with our children, students, and adults with disabilities to help them participate fully in Sunday and mid-week ministry groups. No special skills are necessary, just a loving and caring heart and a willingness to learn and help. Visit here for more information or to fill out a Volunteer Interest Form.
Volunteer for Kids Club
Last year we launched a mid-week group for kids in grades 1–5 at the Butterfield campus. Parents and kids alike loved the program. Our hope is to expand it to the Oak Brook campus this fall. To do that, we need volunteers to support the variety of activities each week. The programs will run from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. on Wednesdays. Visit here for more information and to fill out a form expressing interest. Someone from our team will reach out soon.
Christ Church can reach more kids and students with the life-changing love of Jesus because of the generous way our congregation give, serves and LIFTs others.
Financial Statement
In addition to the giving of your time and talents to Christ Church, we continue to celebrate the financial sacrifice the congregation is making toward providing their gifts and financial commitments to the church. The June YTD financial results has a net deficit, which is expected to be temporary due to the revenue stream being heavily weighted toward year-end as compared to the LIFT expenditures that are being made earlier in the year. We anticipate the full year 2024 financial results to be balanced. As planned, Christ Church is utilizing the prior year surplus to help fund the current year LIFT expenditure. Through your faithful giving, we continue to make progress toward meeting the overall 2-year LIFT goal of $31.7 million. For the period of January 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024, Christ Church has received $23.8 million in donations, which is $1.5 million or 6.6% ahead of the 18 month LIFT budget.
Where Does Your Giving Go?
* Ministry includes supporting worship and programs that help adults and children draw closer to God.
** Mission Partners supports more than 65 local and global ministries.
*** Capital Expenses supports the funding of our mortgage and building improvements.
For further information, contact Lana Ferren at 630.321.6752 or lferren@ChristChurch.us
+ Louder Than Words
Every gift that we give is an expression of the fruit of the Spirit. There is no true generosity apart from it.
In Galatians 5 we are called to “serve one another humbly in love.” When we give selflessly to LIFT others in need it is an outpouring from a full heart–a full spirit. The fruit of the Spirit is a generous gift to us meant to be shared and poured out onto others.
Financial Statement
We continue to celebrate the outpouring of the fruit of the Spirit through gifts and financial commitments to the church. The actual first quarter 2024 financial results are tracking close to the 2024 plan budget. Through your generosity, we continue to make progress toward meeting the overall 2023-2024 LIFT goal of $31.7 million. For the period of January 1, 2023 through March 31, 2024, Christ Church has received $21.0 million in donations which is $1.2 million or 6.1% ahead of the 2-year LIFT budget. We look forward to another strong year as we continue to see the fruit of the Spirit in action through the LIFT initiative. Visit LiftTogether.us for more details on the LIFT Vision and progress to date.
Where Does Your Giving Go?
* Ministry includes supporting worship and programs that help adults and children draw closer to God.
** Mission Partners supports more than 65 local and global ministries.
*** Capital Expenses supports the funding of our mortgage and building improvements.For further information, contact Lana Ferren at 630.321.6752 or lferren@ChristChurch.us
+ 2023 Quarter 4 Financials
What New Is God Calling You to in 2024?
It isn’t quantifiable and there isn’t a formula to measure it.
But every time we decide to follow Jesus more closely it requires a leap of faith.
Our #1 goal of the LIFT initiative is for everyone who calls Christ Church their church home to Together LIFT their faith and discipleship. We continue to see evidence of the church community stepping out in new ways:
- In 2023 we had 351 new givers. For some they are giving for the very first time and others are making their gifts known for the first time.
- We had 46 people become new members. While membership isn’t required to attend church, becoming a member solidifies a commitment to be part of the church family and follow Jesus in community.
- In all areas–from worship to small groups to large groups–we saw people jumping in and giving something new a try. The men’s community launched Men’s Third Thursday Eats this fall, gathering to watch football, enjoy a meal together and hear stories from other men in the congregation.
In January we often think about new goals, new habits and new adventures. Perhaps, as we consider what is ahead in this new year, we should ask where God is asking us to grow or stretch more to rely on Him. Is it with our time? Our finances? Where is God calling you to try something new?
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come. The old has gone, the new is here! –2 Corinthians 5:17
Financial Statement
Thank you for your continued support of the ministry and mission of Christ Church. The actual 2023 financial results have well exceeded the 2023 plan budget. Through your generosity, we have made significant progress in meeting the overall 2023–2024 LIFT goal of $30.5 million. We can take this time to celebrate not only the strong financial results in 2023 but also the impact on our hearts when we give sacrificially. We look forward to another strong year of steadfast generosity as we continue to see the fruits of the LIFT initiative. Visit LiftTogether.us for more details on the LIFT Vision and progress to date.
Where Does Your Giving Go?
* Ministry includes supporting worship and programs that help adults and children draw closer to God.
** Mission Partners supports more than 65 local and global ministries.
*** Capital Expenses supports the funding of our mortgage and building improvements.For further information, contact Lana Ferren at 630.321.6752 or lferren@ChristChurch.us
+ 2023 Quarter 3 Financials
Allowing God to Change Our Hearts
We don’t give because we are asked to within the offertory moment at church, or because we want to pay for our participation in worship or the coffee we drink on Sundays. That is transactional.
As Christians we give as an act of worship. We give because God gave first, everything we have and are surrounded by. Most importantly He gave His only Son so that we can have eternal life.
We give as a response to our hearts being transformed by Him.
This summer some of our middle school students participated on a trip to serve people experiencing homelessness in Nashville. The students awareness of those around became heightened. Even after a full day of serving in the summer heat they noticed those in need of water and food on their way back to lodging. They decided to postponed their time of rest so that they take care of others by purchasing bottled water and making mac and cheese. One student was moved to not just take care of these tangible needs but asked if they shouldn’t also pray with people.
Although the leader was tired from a long day of service, she was re-energized to help the students follow God’s prompting. It was exciting to see the students’ hearts being transformed. Their hearts were broken for the needs they saw, and they wanted to do something to provide help, comfort and share the Good News of the Gospel.
This is the type of response God wants from us. That our hearts are moved like His to respond and LIFT others in need.
Giving is a response to the stirring of the heart just as you read in Exodus 36, but it is also an expression of worship, gratitude, trust and joy.
God doesn’t need anything from us, but is glorified when we respond to the Holy Spirit stirring our hearts to give.
How are we allowing God to change our hearts?
Financial Statement
Thank you for your continued support of the ministry and mission of Christ Church. The September YTD numbers reveal that actual revenue and expenses are currently favorable to the 2023 plan budget. This is a great start to meeting the overall 2023–2024 LIFT goal of $30.5 million. Although net revenue is currently positive, a very likely scenario for the 2-year LIFT initiative will be net revenue of $0. The timing of the gifts received and the projects started may not align perfectly, but the overall goal is that gifts received during the two-year LIFT initiative are at least enough to cover 1) the total amount spent on the program core ministries and 2) the identified LIFT projects. Visit LiftTogether.us for more details on the LIFT Vision and progress to date.
*Please Note: The Church maintains a balanced budget that is approved by the congregation at the Annual Meeting. The YTD numbers include a temporary planned deficit given the seasonality of our revenue stream, which is more heavily weighted toward year-end giving.
Where Does Your Giving Go?
* Ministry includes supporting worship and programs that help adults and children draw closer to God.
** Mission Partners supports more than 65 local and global ministries.
*** Property Expenses supports the funding of our mortgage and building improvements.For further information, contact Lana Ferren at 630.321.6752 or lferren@ChristChurch.us
+ 2023 Quarter 2 Financials
You’ll often hear someone say, “I’m going to church.” Almost all of us refer to church as the building we meet at or the place we gather. But we are the church.
For we are the temple of the living God. – 2 Corinthians 6:16
We gather as the church to worship, learn and build relationships. As we are stirred and transformed by the promises that His grace is greater than the gravity of life, we LIFT others in the hopes that they too will experience the goodness, beauty and truth of the Gospel. We reach out to those in our neighborhoods, schools, workplaces, grocery stores and parks. But some may not be ready to participate on Sunday.
Pastor and theologian Dr. Tim Keller wrote that “congregations must build their own church porches where they can serve lemonade to outsiders who are not yet ready to come all the way into the ‘house,’ but where they can be prepared to do so.”
A women’s small group from our congregation took that step to get to know a Muslim refugee family from Sudan whose lives, faith and experiences were very different than their own. They modeled the generosity we see in Christ by giving of their time, gifts and helping meet the needs of others. The video below is a glimpse of how God is using the experience to LIFT all of them to a new level of understanding of what it means to be Jesus to others and living out Romans 12:1–2:
So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for Him. Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. – The Message
Financial Statement
Thank you for your support of Christ Church ministry and mission. Year-to- date giving and ministry expenses were both better than plan. This outpouring of generosity and stewardship is evidence of God working in our hearts and growing our faith. Your support provided for VBS at both campuses and for exciting youth camps for our elementary, middle school and high school kids! We also were able to hire our Disabilities Ministry Director and ensure that we can hire the Pre-school Director soon as part of our LIFT Initiative fulfillment season!
Where Does Your Giving Go?
* Ministry includes supporting worship and programs that help adults and children draw closer to God.
** Mission Partners supports more than 65 local and global ministries.
*** Property Expenses supports the funding of our mortgage and building improvements.For further information, contact Jay Schommer at 630.321.3902 or jschommer@ChristChurch.us
+ 2023 Quarter 1 Financials
As adults we are told to pay attention to the condition of our heart as it relates to the health of our bodies. As Christians, it is important to pay attention to the condition of our hearts in terms of our alignment with the heart of Jesus.
In Mark 12 Jesus answers the question–“…of all the commandments which is the greatest?” He responds in Mark 12:30–31:
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”
Generosity is just one measure of our heart condition. How we relate to others, where we spend and give our resources and our time are all areas that we can reflect on to determine where our hearts are aligned.
Our At The Table series challenged us to explore the condition of our hearts as it relates to the relationships we build around the table, who we invite to the table, and where we go and what we do when we leave the table. To discover new tables to gather around where you can grow in your faith, explore the variety of groups available here. You’re also invited to bring your gifts, talents and abilities to serve at the tables within our church, our community and world. Learn more here.
Financial Statement
Thank you for your support of Christ Church ministry and mission. Our 2023 Q1 giving is on track with plan and expenses were 8.2% better than plan. Your financial support provided for a meaningful Lent and Easter experience and provides momentum and excitement as enter our LIFT Initiative fulfillment season!
Where Does Your Giving Go?
* Ministry includes supporting worship and programs that help adults and children draw closer to God.
** Mission Partners supports more than 65 local and global ministries.
*** Property Expenses supports the funding of our mortgage and building improvements.For further information, contact Jay Schommer at 630.321.3902 or jschommer@ChristChurch.us
+ 2022 Quarter 4 Financials
We can so often take for granted our warm winter coats and the abundance of foods we enjoy. At Christ Church we try to see the needs of others and respond with a heart like Jesus’.
The winter season magnifies the giving and serving hearts of our congregation. We helped fill cabinets and dinner tables for 155 families who came to the December food pantry as well as provided toys, books and 350 shoeboxes to spread the joy of Christmas. Thanks to the many gifts and donations we were able to distribute 204 winter coats to those in need.
Missions and serving others are the heartbeat of our congregation. Our hope is that people stepping through our doors see a place of radical generosity. When we give to Christ Church we are on mission. We trust that the Lord will multiply the gifts we give as they are used to benefit His kingdom purposes. This includes providing the opportunity for people to experience worship, to connect with others and build relationships, to grow in faith through groups and classes, to reach into our communities and across the world to spread the news of the Gospel and to continue to meet the needs of others.
Take a look at the video below of our vision for the future.
Financial Statement
Thank you for your support of Christ Church ministry and mission. Our 2022 giving was 7% behind plan and expenses were 9.4% better than plan. Your financial support provided for a wonderful Advent and Christmas season as well as prepared us to launch our LIFT Initiative!
*Please note: The Church maintains a balanced budget that is approved by the congregation at the Annual Meeting. The YTD numbers include a temporary planned deficit given the seasonality of our revenue stream, which is more heavily weighted toward year-end giving.
Where Does Your Giving Go?
* Ministry includes supporting worship and programs that help adults and children draw closer to God.
** Mission Partners supports more than 65 local and global ministries.
*** Property Expenses supports the funding of our mortgage and building improvements.For further information, contact Jay Schommer at 630.321.3902 or jschommer@ChristChurch.us
+ 2022 Quarter 3 Financials
Helena lived in Eastern Kentucky with her Aunt Helen. Their home was built in 1974 by her grandparents and was the family gathering place for all holidays.
In July their home was devastated by the floods. The water rose 40 feet in some places. When the water receded, mud was everywhere and the whole house had to be gutted. Helen is living temporarily at the dog groomers where she works.
But the story doesn’t end there. Hope has been replacing despair.
Christ Church sent twelve volunteers in late August to partner with Samaritan’s Purse. They shoveled mud, tore through insulation, dry wall and flooring, and hauled everything out in order to prepare the home for restoration.
In addition to physical help, Christ Church has sent $30,000 in the past few months to Florida, Kentucky, Puerto Rico and Pakistan in response to natural disasters.
We are grateful for those who faithfully give to Christ Church allowing us to respond quickly in times of crisis.
Check out the video below from one of our younger volunteers.
Financial Statement
Thank you for your continued support of Christ Church ministry and mission. As of September 30, giving is 6% behind plan and expenses are 12% better than plan. Your financial support provided for the middle school Coweoke gather event, the For Chicagoland serve day and sent urgent financial support to multiple partners that assisted many impacted by Hurricane Ian.
*Please note: The Church maintains a balanced budget that is approved by the congregation at the Annual Meeting. The YTD numbers include a temporary planned deficit given the seasonality of our revenue stream, which is more heavily weighted toward year-end giving.
Where Does Your Giving Go?
* Ministry includes supporting worship and programs that help adults and children draw closer to God.
** Mission Partners supports more than 70 local and global ministries.
*** Property Expenses supports the funding of our mortgage and building improvements.For further information, contact Jay Schommer at 630.321.3902 or jschommer@ChristChurch.us
+ 2022 Quarter 2 Financials
One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts. – Psalm 145:4
This year we celebrate 25 years of God’s grace through the leadership of our Lead Pastor Dan Meyer. Recently he took time to reflect on some of the ways God has moved through moments of fruitfulness and celebration as well as struggles and challenges. It has been a meaningful opportunity to reflect and remember all the ways God has been faithful and look ahead with hope and anticipation at what He will do in the future.
Our generosity today is shaping the story for the next 25 years and beyond. Our generosity is continuing God’s story of bringing hope and healing to the lives of so many in our church community and surrounding neighborhoods.
Financial Statement
Thank you for your continued support of Christ Church ministry and mission. As of June 30, giving is on track and expenses are less than planned. Your financial support provided for Vacation Bible School, the high school Roca Y Agua trip and helped launch our new Gospel Justice Center ministry.
*Please note: The Church maintains a balanced budget that is approved by the congregation at the Annual Meeting. The YTD numbers include a temporary planned deficit given the seasonality of our revenue stream, which is more heavily weighted toward year-end giving.
Where Does Your Giving Go?
* Ministry includes supporting worship and programs that help adults and children draw closer to God.
** Mission Partners supports more than 70 local and global ministries.
*** Property Expenses supports the funding of our mortgage and building improvements.For further information, contact Jay Schommer at 630.321.3902 or jschommer@ChristChurch.us
+ 2022 Quarter 1 Financials
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the day approaching. – Hebrews 10:24–25
We believe there is a God who brings hope, lifting us up so that we might thrive and share His goodness, beauty and truth with others. In this first quarter we have seen a resurgence of people returning to Sunday worship and grateful for a place where they are welcome, known and loved.
Our prayer is that we will continue to welcome more people into our community and to experience His life-changing love.
Financial Statement
We are grateful for God‘s provision through your giving. At the end of our first quarter, our year-to-date net deficit* is more than planned. Your generosity this quarter provided needed support for Ukraine relief efforts through World Vision, cru and Missio Link International and supported our returning and growing children's programs for kids of all ages.
*Please note: The Church maintains a balanced budget that is approved by the congregation at the Annual Meeting. The YTD numbers include a temporary planned deficit given the seasonality of our revenue stream, which is more heavily weighted toward year-end giving.
Where Does Your Giving Go?
* Ministry includes supporting worship and programs that help adults and children draw closer to God.
** Mission Partners supports more than 70 local and global ministries.
*** Property Expenses supports the funding of our mortgage and building improvements.For further information, contact Jay Schommer at 630.321.3902 or jschommer@ChristChurch.us
+ 2021 Quarter 4 Financials
Though it has been another year of struggle and uncertainty the people of Christ Church continue to put their faith and trust in Jesus and live into the six key values that transform our lives and catalyze change in our world. Just this January we revisited these values in the series This Changes Everything.
- Authentic Worship
- Intentional Growth
- Generous Service
- Attractive Witness
- Genuine Community
- Life–Changing Love
Theodore Jones, a substance abuse counselor at Chicago’s Pacific Garden Mission is just one example of how the members and friends of Christ Church are partnering with what God is doing to create a place of refuge and transformation for the homeless and hurting in Chicago. Theo’s life has inspired many, as he’s gone on to lift others toward the abundant life God intended.
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like the shifting shadows. – James 1:17
We pray that we continue to live in a way that is an overflow of God’s love, grace and goodness, lifting others to their greatest potential.
Financial Statement
We are grateful for God‘s provision through your giving. At the end of our budget year, donations and other income exceeded expenses by $890,957; thanks be to God! Your generosity provided for a wonderful Advent and Christmas season, the launch and celebration of the first Rooted cohort and continued support of more than 75 Christ Church mission partners like Pacific Garden Mission.
Where Does Your Giving Go?
* Ministry includes supporting worship and programs that help adults and children draw closer to God.
** Mission Partners supports more than 75 local and global ministries.
*** Property Expenses supports the funding of our mortgage and building improvements.For further information, contact Jay Schommer at 630.321.3902 or jschommer@ChristChurch.us
+ 2021 Quarter 3 Financials
Each day we see God at work in our church, community and world. We hear stories about how Jesus is redeeming and re-storying the lives of men, women and children. We experience the transformation in our own lives as we submit to His love and direction.
We lift our eyes to the Father in gratitude and praise as we reflect on the launch of a new ministry season. Thousands of people have already come through our doors in person and online to explore faith, find Jesus and grow in their love for God and their neighbors near and far. Despite the challenges of this season Christ Church friends and members have demonstrated their belief and trust that He is good and worthy of our whole lives.
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. – Matthew 6:21
In early September Lead Pastor Dan Meyer shared what we believe God is calling us to do in this next season. And you, the people of Christ Church, have responded with generosity and intentionality. You know the Savior’s love and want others to know it too. Together we watch expectantly for His Spirit to move.
Financial Statement
We are grateful for God‘s provision through your giving. At the end of our third quarter, donations and other income were behind budget but expenses were prudently managed. The $6.5M in donations and other revenue allowed us to provide our Summer Lights worship experiences, fall programming for all ages, for continued opportunities to LIFT others up on this discipleship journey and meet needs in our communities and around the world.
Please note: The Church maintains a balanced budget that is approved by the congregation at the Annual Meeting. The YTD numbers include a temporary planned deficit given the seasonality of our revenue stream, which is more heavily weighted toward year end giving.
Where Does Your Giving Go?
* Ministry includes supporting worship and programs that help adults and children draw closer to God.
** Mission Partners supports more than 75 local and global ministries.
*** Property Expenses supports the funding of our mortgage and building improvements.
For further information, contact Jay Schommer at 630.321.3902 or jschommer@ChristChurch.us
+ 2021 Quarter 2 Financials
At Christ Church, we believe that God the Father is the giver of all good things and that He invites us to join Him in bringing heaven to this earth. One of the ways we partner with God is through our giving. When we surrender our lives–time, talents and treasure–God uses them to reach others with His love, grace and goodness. Our tithes and gifts bring hope to others and turn their attention to Jesus.
This past quarter we have seen God use your faithful gifts to welcome back people who have not worshipped in person for 15 months or longer. We’ve met new families online and in person, as well as welcomed new members to Christ Church! More than 500 kids and students have come together for Vacation Bible School and camps, taking the first or next steps in their faith journey. Your generosity has also made it possible for us to be the hands and feet of Jesus through this current economic downturn and the devastation of the most recent tornado.
It is a privilege to minister alongside you. It is good to be His Church.
Financial Statement
We are grateful to God for your generosity. At this mid-year point, donations and other income were behind budget but expenses were prudently managed. The $4.2M of donations and other income provided meaningful connections for members’ and attenders’ worship experience, kids and teens at VBS and COW camps and for continued community building as we welcome everyone back to campus.
Where Does Your Giving Go?
* Ministry includes supporting worship and programs that help adults and children draw closer to God.
** Mission Partners supports more than 75 local and global ministries.
*** Property Expenses supports the funding of our mortgage and building improvements.
For further information, contact Jay Schommer at 630.321.3902 or jschommer@ChristChurch.us
+ 2021 Quarter 1 Financials
One of the most beautiful things about the spirit of Christ Church is that we are grateful for God’s grace in the past and hopeful for what He will yet do in the future. This year, inspired by the call of Christ, we plan to dramatically expand our network of life-giving relationships and resources that will help thousands of people move to a wonderful new level of personal thriving and Christian influence.
We look forward to walking into that exciting new future with you and all who make up this exceptional church. May God be pleased and glorified by all we together do in His Name.
Financial Statement
We are grateful to God for your generosity this first quarter. While donations were behind budget, expenses were prudently managed. The $1.81M of donations provided meaningful connections for members and attenders during Holy Week, at small and large group gatherings like COW for middle schoolers and the IF:Gathering for women. We also continued to support our mission partners around the world.
Where Does Your Giving Go?