Get Involved

He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.' – Mark 16:15
One of the best ways to meet people, cultivate relationships and grow as a follower of Christ is to serve in church. We believe that God has given each person a unique set of gifts, talents and abilities that can make an impact. We go all in for generous service. Giving our gifts to help others is how we imitate God.
It takes 100s of men and women each Sunday to make a space for people to worship and connect. Even more individuals serve during the week, meeting people's tangible needs, connecting with others and helping them grow in their faith.
In addition to serving directly through our church, Christ Church also supports 69 domestic and global mission partners seeking to support how God is already at work in communities. There are many opportunities to come alongside our partners and share the love and hope of Christ both near and far.
Our hope is that you will take a next step and explore how God might use you.