Our Story
Christ Church was founded in 1965 by the Rev. Arthur and Gladys DeKruyter and a small circle of others, committed to establishing “a church for the community” in the new Village of Oak Brook. The congregation began in the DeKruyter’s basement, started holding services on Easter Sunday 1965, and made its home for several years in the gymnasium of the Butler School.
In January 1968, with a membership of just 82 families, the congregation pledged $217,000—some of them taking out second mortgages—for the purpose of constructing a million dollar church building. With only 450 in average attendance, the founders built a Sanctuary that could hold 1,200 people in the belief that God planned to do something amazing with this church.
They were correct. From the opening of the Sanctuary on Palm Sunday 1970, the church grew dramatically. The church’s early development rested on “Six Pillars of Ministry”—strong preaching and teaching, first-rate worship music, effective children and youth ministries, state-of-the-art communications, competent caregiving, and outreaching mission to a needy world.
In January 1997, Rev. DeKruyter retired and the church moved into a very fruitful “second season” under the leadership of the Rev. Dr. Daniel and Amy Meyer. A wide range of strategic initiatives were implemented that enabled the church to renew its intergenerational character and expand its outreach to the world. The original Six Pillars were freshly embodied in the congregation’s commitment to “Worship, Grow, and Serve” and in a myriad of ministries that touch the lives of thousands.
In 2015, the church celebrated its 50th Anniversary Year. Shortly thereafter, it launched the most significant extension of its mission outreach and physical footprint since the church's founding era. In 2018, the congregation branched out to a second location in Butterfield (formerly Downers Grove) and completed a major renovation and expansion of its Oak Brook campus. In 2019, Christ Church acquired the former Fountain of Life church property in Lombard and moved its Butterfield (formerly Downers Grove) congregation to this seven-acre campus.
The church continues to flourish now at both its Oak Brook and Butterfield Corridor locations. We invite YOU to come help shape the next exciting era of Christ Church.