Our Vision
He LIFTS the needy from the ash heap
He LIFTs up all who are bowed down
LIFT your eyes to the LORD from whom comes our help
When I am lifted up, I will draw all people to me
I have come that you might have life and have it to the full
Psalm 113:7; 145:15; 121:1–2; John 12:32; 10:10
What Do We Believe About GOD?
God hears the cries of individuals and families laboring under many crushing pressures today. He wants us and the people around us to experience the divine grace that is greater than this gravity and that can raise all of us toward life abundant and eternal.
What Do We Believe God Wants His CHURCH to Do?
We believe God is calling Christ Church in the season ahead to help LIFT 10,000 toward their God-given potential. Together, we aim to lift…
10000 individual each week to a higher level of thriving
10000 communities around us to a better quality of life
10000 groups (or more) to greater missional impact
10000 families to a higher level of health and influence
10000 people toward their God-given potential
What Does This Require on the PERSONAL Level?
To fulfill God’s call, we think there are three crucial spiritual movements needed in our hearts and lives. We pray that each of us will…
- LIFT up our eyes to God, making His character and kingdom our ultimate fascination
- LIFT up Jesus, with a passion to help others find His transforming power and community
- LIFT up people in His Name, caring about doing that as the measure of our lives
What Does This Require on the Organizational Level?
To fulfill God’s call, we think there are four practical measures we need to undertake to strengthen our church’s relational infrastructure and capacity for long-term influence. In these next years, we seek to…
- Foster a Leadership Revolution that further unleashes the giftedness of our church
- Build an Invitational Culture that helps many more along the path to Christlikeness
- Multiply Flourishing Groups that extend life-changing love into our wider world
- Provide Tech Touchpoints that build relationships & resource people in digital space
View our Lead Pastor's Vision Sunday message from September 12, 2021: